I suppose this will be my last entry of 2008.
Seth and I plan to ring in the new year with our fellow couple Leigh and Sage. The plan is get dressed up, booze, hats and a clock/tv. I'm so excited. This will be my first true New Years as an Adult. Every year I have to work. Not this year, I refuse. I'm going to start 2009 out right. I'm currently working on a list a resolutions. It isn't excessively lengthly. I think five is a good number. I'm not too sure of the plans for the entirety of the evening but I hope it contains a walk around town. 2009 will be a great year. I have so many wonderful friends and memories. However, my life could use a little fine tuning. 2008 was good, but I've learned from some mistakes and therefore 2009 will be better.

Here is my Resolution list draft:
1. Become Debt-free
I need to make more money and cut back expenses. Good Luck, Me.
I've written before about Total Money Makeover. This should take me about the entire year.
2. Become Healthier
In 2008, I found out that I had a disease that made me gain a ton of weight in part of 2007 and through out the entirety of 2008. I hope to shed the pounds, with eating right and exercising. I'm not a diet kind of person.
3.Be Sweeter to Seth/Be more responsible
Sometimes I can be insensitive and lazy. Seth completes a majority of the housework and makes most of the meals we eat, while I just sit there after work watching tv. I have two jobs and that is to make money. But it seems I try to get out of the second job as much as possible. This is probably because I feel over worked. But if i'm going to accomplish (1.) I'm going to have to buckle down.
4. Get things in Order to go back to School in fall 2009.
After I become Debt free, I will have no reason not to go to school. Full-time in 2010
with a part-time job. Fall 2009 will be the buffer transition from part to full. I can't mess
my life up again.
5.Figure Out what I want to do for the rest of my life.