Thursday, October 30, 2008

They want to eat your BRAINS!

"Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master. So He can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a Rib-Woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree. ... Yeah. Makes perfect sense."

Yesterday, My friend Jessica and I went to Christ Temple Church for Judgment House. I had never been. I assumed it was some sort of Haunted House that, however, was not the case. It was a cult recruiting vehicle. It was one of the single most creepy moments of my entire life. Jess had gone before, and she knew what she was up against. I, however, was blind sided with brow beating religious nonsense. It sort of felt like Auschwitz or a Slaughter house. They herded us along with sixty other people from room to room, preaching absolute ridiculousness; the rooms, mind you, were made for a party of twenty at most. I kept having this creeping suspicion they were going to gas us or give us "refreshments" of Kool-aid.

I want to be Cryogenically frozen until most of humanity realizes that religion is a crutch. Some people need that crutch; they need to know they are not alone, but brainwashing the lot of us into believing that Christianity and Judaism are anything more than an ancient way of instilling fear upon the ignorant, gullible masses is criminal. Why can't good people just do good things for the sake of being good, not the fear of internal damnation? Here's the secret of the After Life... You don't live forever ... You die... You rot.. you get eaten by worms. Don't believe me? Kill yourself and find out. Okay, maybe that was a tad harsh. How about you wait the entirety of your lifespan and send me an e-mail or something if you find out otherwise.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A picture is worth a thousand words

1. Go to (don't sign in)
2. Type in your answer to the question in the "search" box
3. Copy the html of your favorite picture and paste for the answer

Question #1
What's your first name?

What is your relationship status?

What is your favorite color?

Who is your celebrity crush?


What band are you listening to right now?

What is your favorite movie?

Who is your favorite character from said favorite movie?

Name an alcoholic beverage.

Where is your dream vacation to?

What is your favorite dessert?

What do you want to be when you grow up?


What do you love most in life?

Name one word to describe yourself.

What is you future mode of transportation?

Favorite food?

What's your middle name?

If you could be any where in the world where would you be?

Favorite cartoon character?


What's something funny?

Something you can't live without is?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Aquariums and Troubleshooting

Seth and I have recently invested efforts into an Aquarium. It's small, 14gallons, b
ut promising. Seth is more invested than I am, because he invested with his pockets. It's sort of his thing, his aquarium. I'd like to be more involved, but I feel the aquarium is symbolic. It's like it's his personal space, his world in which he may play god. He gets to decide the fate of all within. I figure it's good for him to play such a game. Sometimes he feels out of control, unsure of his decisions and accomplishments, unsure of what's to come. I think subconsciously he sees the aquarium as a release. So I am content to watch from the side as he works his life out, toiling over the aquarium. I care for nothing but his happiness.

After purchasing the Aquarium, We(He) rinsed the supplies, filled the tank and let it sit for a day. The next day, we visited Bert's Pet World. There were multiple aquarium types to choose from, but the perfect type for us, Tropical Freshwater. Simon and George, two black, long fin Tetras were suddenly our new house guests. However, These two fish seemed not to enjoy our presence, constantly hiding behind the massive rock in the middle of the aquarium. We thought with time they would come around, but that does not seem to be the case. Two Swordtail fish: one male, one female, were our next purchase. They seem to be more active, both swimming around with nothing to fear. Seth has grown bored of the entire ordeal. Sadly, now he is plotting their demise, talking of new fish to come such as: Cichlids, Oscars and Piranhas. These aggressive fish are probably just verbal threats to those fish he finds upsetting. Although I wouldn't feel too save George, Simon, Pete and Madge. It's only a matter of time until he releases an aggressor into this tank full of peace.